Executive Committee

The WISCIENCE Executive Committee includes tenured faculty members from across STEM schools, colleges, and departments. The committee provides department level governance for the Integrated Science subject listing, which is housed in the School of Education. The committee also provides advice and guidance regarding WISCIENCE programs and courses, and advocates for WISCIENCE on and beyond campus. Individual committee members serve as WISCIENCE liaisons to their schools, colleges, and departments, and some committee members lead or teach WISCIENCE programs and courses.


Janet Branchaw

Credentials: Ph.D.

Position title: Director of WISCIENCE, Associate Professor of Kinesiology

Email: branchaw@wisc.edu

Gary Diffee

Credentials: Ph.D.

Position title: Professor of Exercise Physiology

Email: gary.diffee@wisc.edu

Trina McMahon

Credentials: Ph.D.

Position title: Professor of Bacteriology, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: trina.mcmahon@wisc.edu

Jonathan Pauli

Credentials: Ph.D.

Position title: Faculty Director of BioHouse, Associate Professor of Forest & Wildlife Ecology

Email: jnpauli@wisc.edu

Amber Smith

Credentials: Ph.D.

Position title: Associate Director of WISCIENCE

Email: amber.smith@wisc.edu

Xueli Wang

Credentials: Ph.D.

Position title: Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Email: xwang273@wisc.edu

David Wassarman

Credentials: Ph.D.

Position title: Professor of Genetics

Email: dawassarman@wisc.edu

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